Friday 6 July 2012

Inspiration and wonder - an impromptu post

Earlier this evening as I was working on my relievers folder and outlines I was thinking about many of past and present colleagues, teaching friends and aquaintences etc - their strengths and weaknesses.

I was also thinking about the fact that I was working on a Friday night in the middle of the holidays (I have taken a holiday already and another next week) and how I, along with many others I know, go above and beyond to seek development, change and provide quality teaching programmes for our children.

But that also made me wonder, do you get job satisfaction from doing the bare minimum?

All of these thoughts crossed my mind before I checked my email to see that I had lots of feedback via twitter and blogger regarding my previous blog post about learning spaces.

It was so refreshing to see that others I look to as role models and inspirational colleagues are interested and care about what I'm doing too.

That gives me job satisfaction because I know I'm having professional conversations that are moving me forward to provide my students with an engaging environment and teaching programme. It also engages me. I have job satisfaction - I love my job as a teacher.

But it still doesn't answer my question. Chances are, if you're reading this, then you too, do more than the minimum. But do you know someone who does? Are they happy in thier work?

1 comment:

  1. A Teacher who can "close up shop" at the end of the day/week/holidays probably needs a new job! The professional development aspect of teaching (including reflection) is the stuff that excites me and helps me keep doing what I'm doing regardless of whether its 3.30pm on a Wednesday or 11pm on a Saturday.
