The six page plan is actually working very well and as long I have a direction in mind for the week, it's not hard to whip up the formalities throughout the week. I usually try to plan Monday-Tuesday/Wednesday, then revisit the needs for the second part of the week.
One thing that I have noticed is that the children are often choosing diffferent places to sit, but not neccessarily different people. I have started taking short videos around the class so I can analyse them a bit more - but my first step is to give more direction about choosing sensible people to sit beside. Many of the children have identified this as an area of need for them.
I think the children are enjoying more responsibility and are generally stepping up to the mark (today was hopefully a one-off!). We are doing a Friday review for both literacy and numeracy, in the form of a WOW factor - something postive, and a Hot-Tip - something to work on. I make an effort to take those home and read them over the weekend so I clearly know where the childrens heads are at, then we re-read and remind on Monday when they glue them into their books.
The first week, the children really didn't have too much direction. So we looked at what a good reflection and goal setting was. This week, I'm blown away! (Although we still need to work on adding 'because..')
Some examples of WOW factors:
- I enjoyed sitting by other people because it helped me learn.
- I learnt to subtract by slitting numbers into parts so I could use tidy numbers.
- I enjoyed learning the three rules of speech marks.
- This week I enjoyed soing to group sessions.
- I thought my recount was cool because I used language features.
- I learnt how to jump the number line two different ways.
- I think that I made a good choice of book becasue it was very similar to the kind of person I am.
Some examples of Hot Tips:
- I need to choose to sit by myself sometimes so I can get my work done.
- I need to move onto my next times tables level.
- I need to use a ruler to rule my lines. (!!!!)
- I need to use more language features.
- I want to be more involved in reading.
- I need to sometimes sit beside a boy. (???? less distraction?)
- I need to help others by not telling them the answer.